Scientific literature on topics of nutrition and dietary husbandry of giant
(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and red pandas (Ailurus fulgens).
Compiled by Mark S. Edwards, Ph.D., Nutritionist, Zoological Society of San Diego, San Diego, CA 92112-0551 USA
1. Copies of articles indicated with † have not yet been obtained to place on file.
2. Updates of this list will be available at effective January, 2002.
Bleijenberg K. The panda, a predator [carnivore] feeding on plants. .
Chorn J, Hoffman RS. Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Mammalian Species 1978:1-6.
Davis DD. The Giant Panda: a morphological study of evolutionary mechanisms. Fieldiana: Zoology Memoirs 1964;3.
Gittleman JL. Are the pandas successful specialists of evolutionary failures? BioScience 1994; 44:456-464.
†Lu YX, et al. The digestive tract of giant pandas. Zoological Magazine 1966; 4:61.
Masui M. Some observations on giant panda’s protein metabolism. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation for the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:270-278.
McNab BK. Energy conservation in a tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) and the red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Physiological Zoology 1988; 61:280-292.
McNab BK. Basal rate of metabolism, body size, and food habits in the order Carnivora. In: Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution (Gittleman JL, ed.). Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing Associates, 1989:335-354.
Oftedal OT, Dierenfeld ES. The giant panda: an herbivorous carnivore. In: Meehan TP, Thomas BA, Bell K, eds. Second Annual Dr. Scholl Conference on the Nutrition of Captive Wild Animals. Chicago, IL: The Lincoln Park Zoological Society, 1982:159-164.
Raven HC. Notes on the anatomy of the viscera of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). American Museum Novitates 1936; 877:1-23.
Roberts MS, Gittleman JL. Ailurus fulgens. Mammalian Species 1984:1-8.
†Samejima M. The digestive system of the giant panda. Animals and Zoos 1977; 29:338.
Schaller GB. The Last Panda. The University of Chicago Press 1993.
Yang X. The beautiful red pandas. Publishing House of University Electronic Science and Technology of China. 1997.
†Zhang HY, et al. Anatomy on the digest organ of giant pandas. Dongwu Xuebao 1959; 1(4):443.
Feeding ecology
Hu J, Wei Y, Zhou A. Feeding behavior and nutrition strategy of giant panda in Mabian Dafengding natural reserve [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:123-131.
†Jie. The study on the giant panda’s selection and utilization to Fargesia nitida in Huanglong. Zoological Research 1997; 21(1):48-51.
Johnson KG, Schaller GB, Jinchu H. Comparative behavior of red and giant pandas in the Wolong Reserve, China. Journal of Mammalogy 1988; 69:552-564.
Reid DG, Jinchu H, Huang Y. Ecology of the red panda Ailurus fulgens in the Wolong Reserve, China. Journal of Zoology, London 1991; 225:347-364.
Schaller GB, Jinchu H, Wenshi P, Jing Z. The Giant Pandas of Wolong. The University of Chicago Press 1985.
Schaller GB, Qitao T, Johnson KG, Xiaoming W, Heming S, Jinchu H. The feeding ecology of giant pandas and asiatic black bears in the Tangjiahe Reserve, China. In: Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution (Gittleman JL, ed.). Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates, 1989:212-241.
Wei F, Feng Z, Wang Z, Hu J. Habitat use and separation between the giant panda and the red panda. Journal of Mammalogy 2000; 81:448-455.
Wei F, Hu J, Wang W, Yang G. Estimation of daily energy intake of giant pandas and energy supply of bamboo resources in Mabian Dafengding Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica 1997; 17(1):8-12.
Wei F, Zhou C, Hu J, Yang G, Wang W. Giant panda’s selection for bamboo resources in Mabian Dafengding Reserve. Acta Theriologica Sinica 1996; 16(3):171-175.
Wenshi P, et al. The giant panda’s natural refuge in the Qinling mountains. 1988. [Chinese manuscript].
Lactation and milk composition
Hudson GJ, Bailey PA, John PMV, et al. Composition of milk from Ailuropoda melanoleuca, the giant panda. Veterinary Record 1984;115:252.
Liu X, Yu J, Li S, Zhong S, Li X. Initial study on amino acids in the milk of captive giant pandas. Giant Panda Technical Conference. Chengdu, China, 1996.
Liu X, Yu J, Li S, Li G, Li X, Zhong S. Initial study on amino acids in the milk of captive giant pandas [Chinese and English abstracts]. Journal of Sichuan Univeristy 1997; 34:155.
Liu X, Yu J, Li S, Li X, Zhong S. Preliminary study on content of amino acids in the milk of captive giant pandas. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, China, 1997:186-191.
Liu X, Yu J, Li X, Li S, Zhong S, Zhang W, Shi S. Nutrient analysis of the milk from captive giant panda an discussion on the nutrient requirement for its baby. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:52-59.
Oftedal OT, Gittleman JL. Patterns of energy output during reproduction in carnivores. In: Carnivore Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution (Gittleman JL, ed.). Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing Associates, 1989:355-378.
Wang C, He G, Zhong S, Fe L, Song Y, Zhang J, Ji Q, Yu J, Li G. The separation and purification of giant panda’s immunoglobulin in colostrum and serum and the serum preparation of rabbit anti-giant panda’s immunoglobulin [Chinese and English abstracts]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:156.
Wei F, Feng Z, Wang Z, Zhou A, Hu J. Nutrient and energy requirements of red panda (AIlurus fulgens) during lactation. Mammalia 1999; 63:3-10.
Neonatal nutrition and care
Anonymous. Hand-raising an infant giant panda: a study at the Wolong Nature Reserve. 1993.
Chen M, Zhang G, Tang C, et al. Observations on the growth and development of a hand-raised infant giant panda. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:237.
Fei L, He G, Zhang Z, Zhong S, Song Y, Zhang A. The preliminary observation of the cub-raising behavior on captive giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:212-215.
Gittleman JL. Behavioral energetics of lactation in a herbivorous carnivore, the red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Ethology 1988; 79:13-24.
Liu W, Xin Z, Liu Z, Wang C, Feng Y, Zhang X. A study of hand-raising infant giant pandas in captivity [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation for the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:164-172.
Lu Z, Pan W, Harkness J. Mother-cub relationship in giant pandas in the Qinling mountains, China, with comment on rescuing abandoned cubs. Zoo Biology 1994; 13:567-568.
Roberts M. Growth and development of mother-reared red pandas, Ailurus fulgens. International Zoo Yearbook 1975; 15:57-63.
Wang B, Feng Q, Li S, Wang B, Jiang H. Models of amino acids in ration and feces of artificially rasied giant pandas. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:97-99.
Wei R, et al. Postpartum breeding and management to giant panda in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan [Chinese manuscript]. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 1997; 16(3):133-135.
Yu J, Zhong S, Li G, Li X, Hou R, Li S, Ye Z, Liu X, Huang X, Zhang F. Artificial feeding of infant giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:48-53.
Zhang G, Zhang H, He T, et al. Alimentation allowance of a hand-raised infant giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), Lu De. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:236.
Zhang G, Zhang H, Chen M, He T, Wei R, Mainka SA. Growth and development of infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, China. Zoo Biology 1996; 15:13-19.
Zhong S, He G, Song Y, et al. A study of artificially feeding juveniles and survivorship of a two-cub litter in a giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation for the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:158-163.
Zhong S. Research on collecting surplus panda milk and compounding artificial panda milk and hand-rearing baby pandas. Giant Panda Technical Conference. Chengdu, China, 1996.
Zhong S, He G. A study on caring juvenile of the small baby panda [Chinese and English abstracts]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:153.
Zhong S, Li G, Yu J, Li S, Li X, Yang Z, Feng W. A preliminary report on the artificial rearing of the newborn giant panda [Chinese and English abstracts]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:152.
Dietary husbandry
Dierenfeld ES, Qiu X, Mainka SA, Liu W-x. Giant panda diets fed in five Chinese facilities: An assessment. Zoo Biology 1995; 14:211-222.
Edwards MS. Nutritional management of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Zoological Society of San Diego. Technical Conference of Giant Panda Breeding. Chengdu, P.R. China: China Zoological Association, 1996.
Edwards MS, Nickley JK. Development of a fecal consistency scoring system for giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Panda 2000: Priorities for the New Millennium. San Diego, CA, 2000.
Edwards MS, Zhang G. Preliminary observations on the use of a higher-fiber biscuit as a supplemental food item for giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China, 1997:50-52.
Hua J. The feeding observation of the giant pandas sub-adult in the Japan [Chinese abstract]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:154.
Roberts MS. Breeding the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) at the National Zoological Park. Zoological Garten N.F. 1980; 50:253-263.
Zhang D, Wang A, Zou X, Zeng K. Elementary study of improving the nutritive value of principal bamboos intaken by giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:76-79.
Zou X, Chen Y, Wang A, Sun M, Li F. Evaluation on the nutritive value of protein in diets of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) under removing protection feeding state [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:72-76.
Digestive efficiency
Chen Y, Wang A, Zou Q, Zou X. Research on digestibility of crude fiber in diets for giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:68-72.
Chen Y, Zou Q, Zou X, Qing H. A study of digestibility rate of crude fiber in daily food of the giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:279-283.
Chen Y, Zou X, Zheng D. Comparative study of the digestion rates in relation to coarse cellulose in combined bamboo powder feed and regular feed in captive giant panda. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1997:39-42.
Dierenfeld ES, Hintz HF, Robertson JB, Van Soest PJ, Oftedal OT. Utilization of bamboo by the giant panda. Journal of Nutrition 1982; 112:636-641.
Fu Y. Digesting test of five kinds of bamboos on giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation for the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:266-269.
Kametaka M, Takahashi M, Nakazato R, et al. Digestibility of dietary fiber in giant pandas and its importance for thier nutrition. In: Asakura S, Nakagawa S, eds. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Giant Panda. Tokyo: Tokyo Zoological Park Society, 1988:143-152.
Liu X, Li G, Yu J, Li X, Huang X, Yang Z, He Y. Preliminary study on apparent digestibility of amino acids of diet for sub-adult giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China, 1997:43-47.
Mainka SA, Guanlu Z, Mao L. Utilization of a bamboo, sugar cane, and gruel diet by two juvenile giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1989; 20:39-44.
†Takeda M, Samejima M, Kametaka M. On the determination of apparent digestibility in giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca. JJAZA 1974; 16(1):10-12.
Warnell KJ, Crissey SD, Oftedal OT. Utilization of bamboo and other fiber sources in red panda diets. In: Glatson AR, ed. Red Panda Biology. The Hague, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing, 1989:51-56.
Wei F, Feng Z, Wang Z, Zhou A, Hu J. Use of the nutrients in bamboo by the red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Journal of Zoology, London 1999; 248:535-541.
Zhang G, Tang C, Chen M, et al. Digestive efficiency of a hand-raised infant giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), Lu De.
Zhang G, Zhang H, He T, et al. Digestive rate of a hand-raised infant giant panda “Lu De” [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protestion of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:290-291.
Zhang G, Tang C, Chen M, et al. Digestibility of nutrients in artificially raised infants of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [Chinese manuscript with English abstract. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:79-82.
†Zhou A, Wei F, Tang P, Zhang J. A preliminary study on food nutrient of red pandas [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Acta Theriologica Sinica 1997; 17:266-271.
Zou X, Chen Y, Wang Y. Studies on the digest energy from the feed of the giant panda [Chinese manuscript]. A Study on Breeding and Disease of the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) 1991:272-277.
Zou X, Wang L, Zou Q, Zhang Z, Chen Y. Digestive efficiency test of routine forage for the giant panda [Chinese manuscript]. A Study on Breeding and Disease of the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) 1991:269-271.
Zou X, Wang A, Zou Q, Cai X, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Chen X. The experiment on giant pandas’ digestion and metabolism [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:284-289.
Zou X, Wang Y, Chen Y. Studies on the digestive energy of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [Chinese manuscript with English Abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:45-50.
Zou X, Wang A, Chen Y, Weng N. Study on amino acid apparent digestibility of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) ration [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:85-90.
Bamboo as food for pandas
Crouzet Y, Fradrich H. Bamboo as a panda diet. Bongo 1985; 10:21-26.
Dierenfeld ES. Chemical composition of bamboo in relation to giant panda nutrition. In: Champman GP, ed. The Bamboos. London, England: Academic Press, 1997:205-211.
Qin Z, Tayolt, Alan H., Liu J. Seeding renovation of bamboo after flowering in the habitat of giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:144-148.
Rajebhosale VA, Burte RG, Toro VA. Nutritive value of bamboo (Dendrocalamus calostachyus) leaves for crossbred calves. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 1998; 15(1):58-60.
Singh KA. Nutrient contents in tree fodders and bamboo leaves of eastern Himalaya. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 1999; 16(2):178-182.
†Tang ZY, et al. Bamboo and the nutrition of giant panda. Chinese Wildlife 1983; 15(5):1.
Taylor AH, Zisheng Q. Culm dynamics and dry matter production of bamboos in the Wolong and Tangjiahe giant panda reserves, Sichuan, China. Journal of Applied Ecology 1987; 24:419-433.
Taylor AH, Zisheng Q. Ageing bamboo culms to assess bamboo population dynamics in panda habitat. Environmental Conservation 1993; 20:76-79.
Taylor AH. Pandas as diet specialists: the impact of life history of bamboos on panda ecology and conservation. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:149-154.
Wu HI, Stoker RL, Gao L. A modified Lotka-Volterra simulation model to study the interaction between arrow bamboo (Sinarundinaria fangiana) and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Ecological Modeling 1996; 84:11-17.
Yi, T. Classification and distribution of the food bamboos of the giant panda [Chinese manuscript]. Journal of Bamboo Research 1985; 4(1):11-27.†
Yi, T. Classification and distribution of the food bamboos of the giant panda [Chinese manuscript]. Journal of Bamboo Research 1985; 4(2):20-45.†
Zhang J, Wang H, Ma N, Zhang W. Fiber morphology and main physical and chemical properties of some bamboo wood of Phyllostachys. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Forest Research 1995;8(1):54-61.
Nutrition and disease
Bush M, Montali RJ, Phillips LG, Citino SB, Block G, Ruley EJ. Anemia and renal failure in a giant panda. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1984; 185:1435-1437.
Bush M, Montali R, Phillips LG, Citino SB, Boch G, Ruley EJ. Anemia and renal failure in a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Bongo 1985; 10:139-152.
Bush M, Montali RJ, Phillips LG, Alvarado TP, Ravich WJ. Acute hemorrhagic enteritis in a male giant panda. Bongo 1985; 10:153-158.
Fang W, Zhang R. Two cases of giant panda intestinal obstruction [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:327-328.
Goss LJ. Acute hemorrhagic gastro-enteritis in a giant panda. Zoologica (New York) 1940; 25:261-262.
Han H. Tiaolisheng (8501) for treating diarrhea of giant panda – a case report [Chinese manuscript]. Sichuan Journal of Zoology 1997; 16(3):136.
Montali RJ, Wallace R, Phillips LG, Jr., et al. Hepatopathy and hypercholesterolemia in red pandas associated with a diet change. In: Glatson AR, ed. Red Panda Biology. The Haugue, The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing, 1989:31-40.
Nickley JK, Edwards MS, Bray RE. The effect of bamboo intake on fecal consistency in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). In: Group ANA, ed. AZA Nutrition Advisory Group 3rd Conference. Columbus, OH: AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, 1999:46-50.
Nickley JK, Edwards MS, Bray RE. The effect of bamboo intake on fecal consistency in two giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Panda 2000: Priorities for the New Millennium. San Diego, CA, 2000.
Qui X, Mainka SA. Review of mortality of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1993; 24:425-429.
Wang Q, Jiang H, Tatsuko N, Syu I, Koui I, Masao Y, Teruaki H. Treatment of a sub-adult giant panda with chronic gastroenteritis [Chinese and English manuscripts]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:170.
Wang C, Wang Q, Niu L, Fei L, Zhao B, Yu X, Song Y. Treatment of a sub-adult giant panda with the symptom of obstinated gastronintestinal disturbance and loss of appetite [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding 1997:225-227.
Yang GC, Wang JT, Li TY. Clinical pathology analysis of death of giant panda’s (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) esophagus and stomach blooding shock.
Ye Z, Yu J, Wang Q, Zhang F, Niu L, Yang Z, Li X, Li G. The non-operation treatment research on giant panda’s intestinal obstruction [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding 1997:235-239.
Yu J, Ye Z, Li G, Yang Z, Ding P, Yang Z, Zhong S, Zhu Z. Study on the prevention and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis of giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding 1997:228-234.
Zhang J, Zhang C, Peng Z, Zhang X, Pu T. The study on the malnutrition of subadult giant panda. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding. 1997:221-224.
Zou X, Zeng L, He G, Wu K, Chen Y, Weng N. The investigation research on disease death reasons of wild and captive giant panda [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding 1997:244.
Nutrient Assessment
Fang S, Zhang W, Feng W, Zhang A, Li G, Li S, Yu J. A comparative study of inorganic elements in the hairs of Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Selenarctos thibetanus and Ailurus fulgens [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:117-122.
He T, Zhang H, Qiu X. Determination of amino acid levels in hair of giant pandas [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:260-262.
Hirayama Z, Kawamura S, Mitsuoka T, Tahiro K. The fecal flora of the giant panda. In: Asakura S, Nakagawa S, eds. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Giant Panda. Tokyo: Tokyo Zoological Park Society, 1988:153-158.
Huang Y. Research advances of trace elements in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Study on the Domestication and Breeding of Endangered and Economic Wildlife in China. Chengdu, P.R. China: Northeast Forestry University Press, 1997:93-97.
Mainka SA, Mao L, Guanlu Z. Dietary vitamin and mineral concentrations of two juvenile female giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Journal of Wildlife Disease 1991; 27:509-512.
Mainka SA, He T, Chen M, Dierenfeld ES. Hematologic and serum biochemical values for healthy captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the Wolong Reserve, Sichuan, China. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1995; 26:377-381.
Yu J., Liu X, Huang X, Li S, Li X, Ye Z, Zhang W. A preliminary study on the contents of inorganic elements of hair from captive giant panda. [Chinese and English abstracts]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:167.
Yu J., Liu X, Huang X, Li S, Li X, Ye Z, Zhang W. The study on the contents of inorganic elements of hair from captive giant panda. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding 1997:195-200.
Zhang C, Zhang J, Wang W, Zhang E, Luan Y. The study of giant panda’s feces anaerobion after weaning. .
Zhang Z, He G, Wang X, et al. The study of the giant panda’s intestinal flora [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. International Symposium on the Protection of the Giant Panda. Chengdu, P.R. China: Chengdu Foundation of the Giant Panda Breeding, 1993:319-324.
Zhang Z, He G, Zhong S, Fei L, Wang J, Wang C, Chen H, Zhang A, Li G, Hou R, Yu J. The preliminary report on the study of fecal flora on giant panda cub. [Chinese manuscript with English abstract]. Journal of Sichuan University 1997; 34:60-63.