Overview of The Colyer Institute

The quality of our lives is inextricably interwoven with the quality of our environment, and the various creatures with whom we share it. As we take more and more of the Earth’s acreage for our own use, we diminish that available to, and needed by, others. There are approximately 4,000 species of mammals co-inhabiting planet Earth with man, but circumstances are driving many of them to extinction at an astonishing rate.

There are a multitude of scientifically successful methods being utilized in every corner of the world in the attempt to preserve endangered species. All of which are dependent upon university and institutionally directed research and field studies, zoos, wild animal parks, and nature preserves. The techniques utilized include programs of:

on-site captive breeding,
embryo transfers,
in-vitro fertilizations,
maintaining self-sustaining groups in secure, off-exhibit preserves,
re-introduction of newly invigorated species into, and
re-possessed, and freshly preserved natural habitats.
All of which, requires the support of
intensive, state-of-the-art medical and dental care,
as well as, education concerning the value of these co-inhabitants of our planet.

One of the fundamental clinical health problems of ALL animals – including humans, whether in captivity or not, is nutrition and oral disease. Both of these issues directly impact systemic health, and the individuals capacity to reproduce.

The Colyer Institute offers another way for people concerned with the character of “our only home” to support a 501c3, non-profit, tax-exempt organization with a long standing history dedicated to quietly preserving, and methodically improving the quality of life of thousands of animals. This has been done by assembling, coordinating, focusing, and directing the application of the latest developments and techniques in the fields of human medicine and dentistry for the immediate benefit of the animals upon which the quality of OUR own lives so seriously depends.

Our Mailing Address is:
Post Office Box 26118
San Diego, California 92196-0118 USA

How The Institute got it’s Name
For more information on the early scientific endeavors of two very prolific English Dental Surgeons – Drs. Frank and Stanley Colyer ‘s who contributed to the development of the practice of Veterinary Dentistry as a clinical sub-specialty of modern Veterinary Medicine. Their contribution over a century ago was fundamental, substantial and without peer.